Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why We Left Islam (And Why We Won't Hate You)

This popular book has been making rounds for sometime but I have recently heard about it and after finished reading it: all I read was whining. 

I'm not angry. If anything I feel pity but of course, everybody must assume that the first emotion we're going to feel is "wrath" as mentioned by the nydailynews:

Islam is a personal choice. Even if you were born into a family that already practices it, it is up to you to continue to practice and keep your connection with Allah Swt. 

There's even a site for former Muslims:

From one Muslim to a former Muslim, I could not care much at all. We only wish luck and success to anyone, no matter where they're from. We're not spiteful people but the cultural reactions of third world countries seem to counteract everything that I'm saying but maybe, you this can be taken from a "rational" Muslim. 

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